Okay best snorkel event ever! This entire next paragraph is going to sound like I’m just making stuff up as I go, but I promise it actually happened:
On our way back to the beach, we spotted a sharptail eel poking around the same partially-buried ray from before. Then there was a skirmish and THE RAY ATE THE EEL. And THEN it spat it out! AND THEN a big fish swam past and the EEL (understandably pissed off) struck at the fish like a cobra!!
Here’s the eel. This photo was taken after the commotion. In hindsight we should have been videoing the whole thing.
One last story, unrelated to snorkeling. Two days ago I flagged down a local guy and asked for a ride – there was a scary-looking pit bull on the road ahead and I don’t take my chances with dogs ever since Jon got bit. Anyway, he cleared me a spot on the front seat and as I climbed in I noticed a feathered wing on the floor coming from under the seat, and the cab was filled with the unmistakable odor of dead bird. I know all about dead bird smell – my dad’s a hunter. Anyway, that was my adventure for the day. I saw him the next morning, too, mowing grass on the side of the road, and when I said hello he replied, “You didn’t meet any dogs today?” then busted up laughing, grinning a jagged-toothed grin, so pleased with himself.
Oh, one more thing. After (too) much thought, I decided to enter the picture of the killy killy bird in the photo contest. I had it narrowed down to the picture of Jon jumping at Zeelandia, the sunset at the pier, the bird, and the fisherman. Then I decided that locals probably wouldn't respond well to a picture of someone playing in the water at Zeelandia (strong undertow keeps most people away). Then I realized I wanted to enter a picture with lots of color, so that eliminated the sunset at the pier. Then I had a REALLY hard time deciding between the last two, but finally picked the kestrel because it was taken with my nicer camera and was a better quality photo. I had a hard time pulling the trigger, though, because it only got a couple of votes in the poll.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the killy killy bird photo too. It would have been my second pick after the one of Jon jumping. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteBest Ralph quote ever. Also, I voted for the first pic. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteI got smashed on the rocks whilst attempting a graceful exit from the sea. It wasn't pretty.