
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Manny Does Phoenix

Annie came to visit! Well, first my mom came to visit, but I accidentally didn't take any pictures, and then Annie came a couple of weeks later! We planned her entire trip around food and zoo.

We, of course, sat FRONT AND CENTER for the Wildlife Encounters show. This little tortoise is named Tortellini! TORTELLINI!!!!!

We had ten minutes to kill before the turaco feeding so we headed to the walk-through aviary just across the way. This bird was acting funny so we took pictures. Then we realized maybe it was sick, and told a zoo employee :( 40 seconds after posing for this picture, I checked my phone and realized it was exactly time for the turaco feeding and left Annie and Jon in my dust as I sprinted away.

We ran into this adorable pair over and over throughout the day. 

This muntjac snuffled my finger!

It's a TINY DEER with TUSKS.

Lory feeding schedule: Check, check, and check.

Covered in birds.

Everything in this picture is awesome. Blow it up.

A bird named Salsa.

Jon's hand. Proof that he was there.

Other things we did:
Hot tubbed in a downpour
Went on a walk/to the dog park
Watched Great Expectations (on Netflix streaming. It was great, even though it used the wrong ending.)
Shopped for yarn
Drank Italian sodas
Ate Sonoran hotdogs
Ate at Zinburger
Ate at Tokyo Lobby
Ate at Postino
Ate sausage, kale, and red potato soup
Ate nutella rice krispy treats
Ate ginger noodles (aka "Ginger Nudes")

I was not kidding about the food.

Thing we did not do:

Two best photos of the trip (I held out on you):

Bye Manny. Miss you already :(


  1. Also there was the Jaguar feeding, and a baby monkey but not together.

  2. I'll never forget hot tubbing in the rain! So fun. I'm glad we got to do all 3 lory feedings. I love Salsa. I'm also glad we didn't feed the sting rays, cuz…yikes. Those last two pics are priceless. I didn't even know about the one of me sleeping.

  3. Manny! And wearing purple to boot!
