
Sunday, November 04, 2012


This just made my day. Apparently these friends searched for the best (worst) authentic Utah baby names then made this video based on their findings. The outfits, the hair that keeps getting bigger and bigger, the shout-out to Rexburg....hilarious perfection. Wish I'd thought of it.


  1. That was pretty great. Someone I know just named her daughter Zadiee. YUCK.

  2. i just watched this on twitter and I LOVE IT! it is just so great. it was so funny to see my daughter's name (kind of) on there... but at least i spell it right. MACY. no funny business.

  3. oh WOW! i need to just go on over to youtube so I can "favorite" this video. love it!

    i was actually born and raised in glad my folks gave me and my brothers real names, and that the didn't get all freaky with the spellings! (aaron, vance, gina, ryan, brent)

    i know a gal here in south-east idaho who just named her daughter EvEllen (with an emphasis on the second capital E. weird. apparently she's named after two of her great grandmothers, evelyn and eleanor. ??
