
Sunday, July 15, 2012

SLC Moms Talk Baby Names with Hilariously Awful Results

One of my Twitter followers, @squeegeebecks, sent me a link to this Facebook page for a community of moms in Salt Lake City. She thought I'd be interested in the discussions on their timeline about favorite baby names AND SHE WAS RIGHT. Don't you even worry about it, I read all 400 some odd replies to find the best (read: worst) ones. I obviously filtered out the hundreds of Tambrees and Kaysons and went straight for the repugnantly bad.

Monsy!!!! I hope I don't need to tell any of my readers why that's a shockingly dreadful name. Think anatomically.

(This is the same woman above with a daughter named Cabella Hunter.) 

 (Holding out hope that this is a joke, but the woman above is naming her baby Riot, so....who knows.)

And finally someone speaking some sense:


  1. I saw that post the other day, but got horribly depressed for those poor children and couldn't make it through more than a few responses. All I have to say is you are just begging for a hellion (who will certainly grow up to be a felon) by naming a son Riot or Trigger or Khaos. Might as well name him Registered (middle name Sex-Offender) and save everyone the trouble of waiting for the inevitable. Poor Cabella. She will be stripping in no time.

  2. Cabella Hunter??? are you serious??

  3. SO sad. Someone I know just named her daughter Brikelle and it just makes me think of bricks. UGLY. And yes, poor Cabella. That's just terrible.

  4. I like you more and more with every post. THANk YOU!

    With that connection we just made, it's high time we meet! :)
    LOL! too funny! Annies been a close friend of mine since we met on our mission in Ohio.

    I have the same obsession with names that you do ... I've just never dared to share on my blog, as I might offend someone, but I will definitely be posting a link to this post soon! (once I've actually caught up with my life) .

    You've also inspired me to soon come out and admit my name obsession. I mean, Jessie, I've got like a library of name books! I collect. I'm weird. But so are you. Hence, I know I can share. :)

  5. I am in shock. Complete and utter shock.

  6. Terrible! I'm the only one in the family who likes "normal" names (Like Elizabeth) and my sisters-in-law keep trying to help me make them better ("How about Alisabeth? Then it will be unique!") I just don't see the draw of super unique names.

  7. I am SqueegeeBecks :) And I am extremely flattered that you wrote a blog post from something I recommended! I kind of have an addiction to bad baby names, so finding your blog a few months ago was a real treat for me.

    I'm the only normal name in a family of either invented names or unique spellings, and I prefer my name to my parents' and siblings' names (and I was the only one who ever got those keychains with my name engraved on them!). I'm with the commenter above me, I like normal names. My future kids are going to be Thomas or Jane or something equally "boring". They're strong, classic names that are easily spelled and pronounced and aren't likely to get a job application or college admission application thrown out.

  8. Rayge and Ryatt and Khaos make me want to vomit. Why not destroy positive words with ri-damn-diculous spelling, at least? I know my opinion shouldn't matter in what people name their kids, but you better believe I'm silently judging the mothers!!

    Also, "Swayzlee" outright pisses me off. What the aych, lady?!

  9. this is the best thing i have ever read. and by best i really meant worst. those poor hunter children!

  10. thank you Thank You THANK YOU! The name blog you posted a few months ago must have gone at least semi-viral and that's how I found you. Thank you for the mini-sequel today. It brightened up my otherwise cloudy day! Oh my- Cabella Hunter?! Once she finds out what that is, I hope she finds a way to get even. And Rayge, Ryatt and Khaos are seriously begging for a slap upside the head. COME ON!

  11. Riot is the name of a rock star on the last season of Jem. Ha ha ha that's stupid. And Savvy for a girl? Really?

  12. I know someone who wants to name a boy Brixston, and got really upset when a co-worker "stole" her name. I say that they are both crazy!

  13. Have you seen this yet?
