
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"How's Hedwig?": A Family Story Told in a Single Run-on Sentence

My grandma, Sweetie, loaned her entire Harry Potter series to a family in her neighborhood, and one of the sons in the family looks exactly like Harry Potter, and a few weeks later he showed up on her doorstep (glasses and all) holding a heavy-laden paper shopping bag, and Sweetie assumed he was returning the books so she clapped her hands and delightedly exclaimed, “Ohhh, Harry Potter! Thank you so much!”, as in, "Ohhh, my Harry Potter books are back!", and he left confused, and after she closed the door behind him she realized that the bag was full of baked goods, not books, and that he must have thought she was mockingly calling him Harry Potter since he looks exactly like him :(


  1. I am proud to say, I was there when this happened. Best Sweetie moment ever!!!

  2. PS I want to find that kid, and interview him.

  3. Best Sweetie moment? My favorite is still the blood-curdling scream during The Others (and accompanying violent hand grabbing). Though this is a very very very close second.

    1. You mean hand clawing. I think I may have bled a little.

  4. Hahaha! I wish my grandma were like that. :)

  5. Being called Harry Potter is not an insult :)

  6. Would your grandmother like a vacation in Oregon to share her sense of humor?

    Btw, I sent this post on to my English Teacher mom. She is always teasing me about run on sentences in my posts. Lol

  7. I think I didn't do a great job with telling this story. I'm adding a line in to clarify :)
