
Monday, October 17, 2011

Pre-Hallowe'en Treat

I don't think it's possible for you to love this picture even half as much as I do, but you can sure try.

[Insert blood-curdling scream here]

Still have the scar from those stitches, btw:

Fortunately, the swelling has since gone down.

(And there isn't a cool story of how the injury happened. I tripped on a toy and fell face first onto another toy. Thanks a lot, hands.)


  1. The panties showing through the pink leotard are the best part.

  2. I'm still amazed at how that pudgy little child morphed into who you are now.

  3. I don't get it. Did Mom tell us to look "scary" for the picture, or were we just in a really bad mood?

  4. Oh man. Your high-waisted pants. Kills me every time.
