
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An introduction

My mom: Jessie, this is [some lady]. [Some lady], this is my daughter, Jessie. She's a Jensen, too.
Lady: Nice to meet you! Ian, or Owen?
Me: ................................................... uhhhh..............................
My mom: [staring at me like I'm crazy]
Christa: [staring at me like I'm crazy]
Me: [more open-mouthed silence, thinking to myself, " husband's name is Jon"]
My mom, answering for me: Ian.

It took me another five seconds to realize the lady had actually asked "e-n, or o-n?" As in letters. As in how my last name is spelled.

I would like a do-over. Next time will be better, I promise.


  1. I could only assume that popsicle (the second, not the first mind you)had already given you brain freeze when you couldn't answer! Instead of helping you out though, all I could do was crane my neck as hard as possible in your direction hoping that would make you answer.

  2. this had me laughing for a good 30 min after I read it. I'd think of it and just start to laugh.

  3. oh wow. Brilliant! Just brilliant!

  4. as an "en" that is Constantly confused with the "on"... I feel for you...

    which isn't preventing me from laughing AT you... :)
