
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow Day

Ada's wardrobe wasn't entirely conducive to playing in the snow, so Corinne had to improvise. I was zipping up my second layer when she said, "Wait, you're getting a little ahead of things. Ada doesn't even have her plastic bags on yet". Quote of the year.


  1. So, so, cute. Ada is gorgeous. I love that last picture with the dog.

  2. you got your new camera?? the pics are UHMAZING! well done. LOVE the horse/cat/ada pic more than you know. and penny running! and ada laughing in the sled. omg. priceless!

  3. Actually, I took these with my MOM'S camera, which is a couple-of-years-old Canon. I was shocked at how great they turned out. (and yes, I do have my new camera, but my mom's was easier to grab on my way out the door)

  4. That quote is hilarious! I've NEVER seen a little kid with plastic bags on their legs playing in the snow! Now I have. Hmm. Learn something new everyday!! Cute pics.
