
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Worse than Pert Plus

Well, we made it to Statia. Again. Our trip back was mostly uneventful, but we procrastinated buying our puddle-jump tickets and as a result had to spend a night in St Maarten. It was sort of nice, though it set us back about $200 for the hotel and taxis. (Our place was fairly decent and right on the beach, but they offered up what must be the cheapest shampoo-and-conditioner-in-one available that left my hair so destroyed my only option was to try and remedy the situation with a bar of soap. Yes. I washed my hair with a bar of soap. I felt so ashamed.)

Anyway, the point is, we're here. And also, Jon wore a Speedo.


  1. AHHHH!!!!!!!!! best thing i have ever heard. that takes, . . something. oh my gosh. congrats?

  2. wow...Jessie, I can almost see his situation.

  3. i don't usually "laugh out loud" but i definitely am right now. wow, that is definitely a speedo, isn't it? indeed.

    also, i came to this post thinking, "nothing could be worse than pert plus." i guess i stand corrected.

  4. I will NOT be blowing that picture up for a closer view.

  5. So...after saying I wouldn't blow it up I totally tried to and then realized you can't blow it up. I'm pretty sure you're laughing at me right now.

  6. ;-) Who else tried?? Be honest.....

  7. Ok, so I looked at the pic before I read, and I thought to myself "hey, that speedo guy looks like Jonny, hahaha!" And then, it was. Indeed.

  8. Jon shouldn't ever NOT wear a speedo.
