
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is why I'm hot

Reason #1) It was inevitable: I gagged on this pill. Made a loud noise and everything. Jon, a few yards away in the living room, leaned back in his seat to get a better view of me. His face was a mixture of alarm, confusion, and 'wtf?' Several long seconds passed, then he shook his head and went back to his TV show.

Reason #2) At the beach this weekend, he looked at me in disbelief and asked, “How can one person be so sandy and not be five?” He may or may not have used the term 'sand-moustache' as a descriptor.

Reason #3) Two nights ago, he made me sleep with a sock on because he was so disgusted by my ingrown toenail.

Not so fast. I'm taken.


  1. A few months ago my cousin posted a picture of herself doing an upper lip wax and her caption said "One day a lucky man will wake up to this." Clearly you and my cousin need to take over the world with your insane hotness.

  2. K, the sock one made me laugh! That's hilarious.

  3. Really? You only have 3 reasons??

  4. 3 reasons...interesting. I could write a book.

  5. what no picture of the toe? i am dissapointed.

  6. Still laughing about the sock and this is how many days after???

  7. Wait you only wore ONE sock? Wasn't that weird for you?

  8. Just one. And I was already in bed and everything - he ordered me out until it was covered up.
