
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Island treat

We pass by this tree each week on our way to church. Usually there's a group of local kids hanging from the branches, collecting the fruit. Here it's called 'kenips', but on other islands they're called Spanish limes and/or mamone fruit. Our landlady offered us some from her own tree our very first day on the island and Jon and I both really enjoyed them, though some people find them hard to handle. They're sort of a mix between sweet and sour, with a weird, pulpy texture that would set my brother-in-law Darcy seizing. But we like them, so the other day I tried my hand at climbing the tree to find some.

Yeah, no luck. The clusters near the bottom have long since been picked, and I was too skeerd to climb up very high. So, it was sort of lame. But then, TA-DAH, Laura just happened to drive past as soon as I'd climbed down; One of her sons jumped out of the car, swung up through the branches, and the next thing I knew it was raining kenips.

Delicious lychee goodness inside.

Jon's got Friday and Monday off! It's going to be the best weekend ever, especially since we're borrowing a 4-wheeler from one of Jon's school friends. FINALLY we get to check out some of the far-away beaches. Hooray!


  1. mmmm. going to have to try me some of those when I'm out there. can't wait!

  2. Wait they're lychees? You can buy those here, but they're canned. Or made into gross squishy candies.

  3. They're in the lychee family. Supposably.

  4. They kinda look like the plums that grow on my trees before they go purple!

    Oh and your last post about Penny eating dandruff, just about made me throw up... I actually gagged a few times. YUCK!

  5. That's a nice try on trying to climb that tree! Maybe before you are off the island in a few years you will have mastered that!

  6. By my count it is one year and 2 months, but I am not counting.

  7. yum i love lychees more than anything. also, did you know that the packards were in our ward in az? i babysat their children a lot.
