
Friday, October 03, 2008

Claims to Fame

Possibly seeing Robin from the Real World in Banana Republic the other day got me to thinking about my other brushes with stardom. You probably won’t be impressed.

  • I once saw a guy that looked kind of like M. Night Shyamalan at a Ralph’s grocery store in Anaheim on our honeymoon.

  • I was once in the Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace in Vegas when some old guy named Pete Rose was sitting in front of a sports store, signing autographs for people that purchased any item. Jon knew who he was, and so did about five other people in the general area.

  • Some confused old lady in Pottery Barn once mistook me for Claire Danes. Okay, that was an exaggeration. It went like this:

Her: You look so much like Claire Danes! Are you her sister?!?

Me: I’m not, but I have been told before that I look like her…

Her: [gasps midsentence] Oh! Oh…I thought you were going to say that you ARE her!

Yes, I took that picture specifically for this purpose, and no, I don't want to talk about it.

I only see it at certain angles. This one does the trick. I’ll allow it.

Tangent: Before I moved to Las Vegas after high school, I’d never been compared to anyone famous, but once I was there I got a new one almost every day. The most ridiculous one I ever heard: “a white Halle Barry”. The most offensive one ever: Drew Barrymore. Drew Barrymore?!?!! Take it back.

End tangent and continuing with my Claims to Fame list:

  • I was the drum major for the Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School marching band. Here’s a picture of me leading the band down Highway 395 in Carson City for the Nevada Days parade. We were too poor to afford a camera with a zoom, apparently.

Despite my obscenely huge feet, the band teacher told me that I was the best drum major they EVER HAD. In your faces!

  • I met with and shook Elder Bednar’s hand the day he was set apart as an apostle. Jon didn’t think it was a big deal, because he’d met him a few times previously at BYU-I when he was the president of the school (Bednar…not Jon). But I thought it was cool. It was especially interesting because he and his wife were walking out of the Fashion Place mall when we bumped into them. On a Sunday. Right after being announced as an apostle. I like to think he was squeezing in some shopping after the general session of conference and before his next meeting.

  • Peter Noon from Herman’s Hermits once autographed my shirt. Two of my friends and I went to a concert in Reno wearing matching wife beaters:

And got a little love from the lead singer. Warning: Scary/ugly picture of us coming up. ESPECIALLY of Peter Noon.

We stopped at a Krispy Kremes on our way back to Gardnerville to eat donuts and take stupid pictures.

Also, try saying Herman Hermits fast. I’ve been plagued my entire life to say “Herman Herbits” when I get too excited about it. And by “my entire life”, I mean the past six years or so, because the first time I’d ever heard about them was the night before the concert when we three got together to make our tank tops.

Anyway, last but not least on my list of brushes with stardom: I once passed Eugenia from America’s Next Top Model walking down the sidewalk in New York City last year.

And that’s it. The end. Pretty sad. Forget I even mentioned it.


  1. Wow, you do look like Claire Danes in that picture!

  2. OMG! I grew up listening to Herman's Hermits because their song "I'm Into Something Good" was featured in the movie The Naked Gun, which I was raised on! I have that song on my mp3 player. How totally bizarre that you would have seen them......

    Also, your hair really was long, and shiny, and blonde! SO PRETTY!

    I guess you look like Claire Danes. I can see why people would think so, but at the same time....don't. "I'll allow it".

    I'm watching Willow right now while I TRY to read this book for my Tropics class. It's a pain in the "class".

  3. I saw Karl Malone once at a Toby Keith concert. I don't want to talk about why I was at a Toby Keith concert.

    My husband sat near Marie Osmond on a plane once. (He won't talk about that either.)

  4. oh my freaking crap!
    if only i had a dollar for every time someone told me i look like claire danes! i seriously get this at least once a week. it's ridiculous. i don't see it AT ALL, and neither does joe or anyone else in my family... but people will stop me in the store to tell me.

    my hairdresser started screaming while doing my hair once she figured it out... she kept saying, i swear you look like someone... [me: claire danes?] [her: OH MY GOSH!!! yesssss!!! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!]

    i can totally see it with you in that picture! i wouldn't have thought it otherwise, but with those pictures next to eachother i definitely see the resemblance!

    i used 12 exclamation marks in this comment. i apologize.

  5. Ok, so seeing as I have never met you in person I would say you look a lot like Clair Daines... but that is from comparing the two pictures side by side! The hyper extended arm freaks me out!

  6. what the claire? how come i never knew? i love that you took that picture just to prove the point! smokin'
    yes, i just said, "smokin"

    p.s. i totally met daniel baldwin in the park place mall!!! who has ever met anyone in the park place mall? well, i did. too bad he's the least-well-known of all the brothers. has he even been in anything? ha. oh well, i have his autograph. framed...

  7. Oh my hideous. You should have blacked out my face on that pic. There is nothing ok with that picture.

  8. That hyper-extended arm really is creepy! Maybe you should have it checked out. I bet you can scratch your ear with your elbow pit. LOL

  9. I'd be pretty offended too if someone told me I look like Drew.
