
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Not this again...

Another partial weekend recap. I had kind of a busy day today. At least for the first half. I dropped Penny off at the groomers at 8:30 then had breakfast at one of my favorite restaurants on the other side of town - a fun French cafe/bakery called Ghini's. I pronounce it "Jee-neez" but I'm not sure if that's accurate. Anyway, I got a delicious egg/basil/tomato concoction, sourdough toast, and a fresh squeezed orange juice. Then I checked out the World's Lamest Farmer's Market which had about ten vendors, only one of which was selling produce. Within ten minutes I was back in my jeep heading to the mall for a little bit of shopping. Then I may or may not have gone to see the House Bunny, which may or may not have been really lame. In my defense, my favorite movie critic Eric Snider gave it a B and said it was super funny. This is the only time he's led me astray. (PS - if you haven't checked out the link to his website that has been on my blog's side panel since its creation, I suggest you do. If I were you, I'd start with this article, then follow it closely with this one, then maybe top it all off with everything else on his website.) Anyway, the best part about the House Bunny was a song on the soundtrack. Google research has taught me that it's called "I Just Want To Be Okay" by Ingrid Michaelson. Don't worry if you haven't heard it yet - it will definitely be playing like crazy all over the place shortly and we'll all hate it within a few months. For now, though, it's fun and catchy and folksy. My kind of song. Anyway, I did some grocery shopping on my way home, reheated some pasta for lunch, then went and picked up the dog. She always looks ridiculous after a haircut. I think she knows it. And now I'm just watching the Olympics and waiting for Jon to walk through the door. Could be any minute...


  1. Snider is the only critic I have listened to, for years. We agree maybe 97% of the time.

    We were going to see Tropic Thunder tonight, which Snider gave an A-, but it didn't quite work out.

  2. I love Eric. I've been reading his stuff for a while now. I loved his critique of the Bratz Movie. It brought tears to my eyes.

  3. I just wanted to comment on your "Old Guys I had a crush on" sidebar thing.

    I have a thing for Bono. And Sting. And years ago I had a thing for Phil Collins. He was my little drumming elf.

  4. i looked up 'i just want to be okay' a couple days ago and couldn't remember who had told me about it. now coming back here i remember it was you.

    very cool song! i love ingrid michaelson!

  5. Um...I just read the comment you left on Christin's many times do I have to tell you people: STAY BLONDE!

    Anyway, I also have to tell you I read the Eric Snider articles you suggested. Seriously, it takes a lot to get me to physically laugh out loud...I was DYING!
