
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And the Winner Is...

I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering if I’m going to be annoying and make you scroll down to reveal the winner of my contest. Of course I am. But first I’m going to give a little behind-the-scenes information on how the winner was selected.

Eleven different people posted responses: Kristina, Corinne, Kelsey, Jake, Christa, Kellie, Brittany, Jon, Kenzie, Valry, and Annie. In order to be as fair as I possibly could, I made sure that all the names were written on little slips of paper that were EXACTLY the same size. I folded each paper twice after writing down the names, put them in a receptacle (although not a hat, as I previously stated), shook it four times, scooped my hand through it three times, then chose one.

Congratulations to...



Kellie!!!!! Despite the nasty things she said about me in her comment, she has won the Jessie’s Favorite Things Giveaway. Actually, she really deserves it. She’s just been through so much in her life –changing a baby’s diaper, having to weed the family garden, throwing up after eating sushi, and of course, breaking both wrists at the same time in a freak cheerleading accident. Kellie – email me your home address and then keep your eye on the mail for a care package full of love.

Thanks for playing!

PS - For fun, I decided to choose a second name, just to see who it would be. It was Corinne. Sorry, you don’t win anything, just be happy knowing you were next in line.


  1. It's a good thing I teach anger management in an hour, so I can process my sadness and disappointment with the punk-ass kids.

    But, I will congratulate Kellie. Well played.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i'm never reading this dumb blog again. until tomorrow...

  5. I had a feeling I would win...can't wait for my second copy of Twilight!

  6. Deleted comments make me so dang curious!!
